The Solar Project in Nepal: Co-operating under the Belt and Road


Located in a strategic site connecting China and South Asian countries and enjoying the Belt and Road opportunity, Nepal government has made positive progress with Chinese electrical enterprises in electricity and energy, with large-scale power projects springing up over years.


In July 2018, CHINT joined the official bid of Nepal Electricity Authority (NEA) and finally won a 2.2 MW solar projects at 19th Dec. 2018, with total value is multi-million dollars. CHINT provided the whole set solar products, PV panel, mounting structure, cables, combiner box, etc.


As the first solar grid connection project won by the CHINT Asia-Pacific sales team in the Nepal power board, it will provide the NEA with a full range of PV products and clean energy solutions. At present, the shipment of the project has been completed partly including PV panel and mounting structure, and it is expected to be officially installed and connected to the grid in the end of the 2019. The winning bid will have a profound impact on the promotion of CHINT brand's influence in the Asia-Pacific region.  

Nepal Electricity Authority issued a 2MW solar project tender in May 2018 to select independent power producers to build multiple solar PV power stations across the country. The selected project will be awarded a 25-year power purchase agreement. The NEA will also provide incentives in the form of Viability Gap Funding (VGF).

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  • Produtos
  • Soluções
    • Fotovoltaico - GD
    • Fotovoltaico - Off-grid
    • Iluminação Pública - Fotovoltaica
    • Bomba de Água - Solar
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